Go Fund Yourself
Onchain App
A project undertaken to understand the end-to-end process of developing a modern-day onchain app and self-hosted deployment.
ViewWelcome to my personal site!
I'm a software engineer specialising in full-stack development. This site showcases my latest projects, all my technical writing and my progress as an independent security researcher.
Should my skills or previous experience align with a position you are looking to fill, or if you would like to discuss a potential project, please feel free to contact me via email.
YTD contributions: 334
A project undertaken to understand the end-to-end process of developing a modern-day onchain app and self-hosted deployment.
ViewThis website is a showcase of my personal skills and projects for prospective employers.
ViewThis project is an implementation of simple usd stable coin collateralized with ETH.
ViewThis project will take you from 0 to a completed MFE project and explain each concept along the way.
ViewSee what goes in to creating a modern day onchain app and self-hosting it.
ViewA primer for the transparent proxy design pattern with examples of the pitfalls of upgradeability.
ViewA primer for the ERC-1155 standard.